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Input Event


If you want to simulate a more natural typing behaviour while testing your component, consider the companion library user-event

import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {screen, render, fireEvent} from '@testing-library/react'

function CostInput() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('')

const removeDollarSign = value => (value[0] === '$' ? value.slice(1) : value)
const getReturnValue = value => (value === '' ? '' : `$${value}`)

const handleChange = ev => {
const inputtedValue = ev.currentTarget.value
const noDollarSign = removeDollarSign(inputtedValue)
if (isNaN(noDollarSign)) return

return <input value={value} aria-label="cost-input" onChange={handleChange} />

const setup = () => {
const utils = render(<CostInput />)
const input = screen.getByLabelText('cost-input')
return {

test('It should keep a $ in front of the input', () => {
const {input} = setup()
fireEvent.change(input, {target: {value: '23'}})
test('It should allow a $ to be in the input when the value is changed', () => {
const {input} = setup()
fireEvent.change(input, {target: {value: '$23.0'}})

test('It should not allow letters to be inputted', () => {
const {input} = setup()
expect(input.value).toBe('') // empty before
fireEvent.change(input, {target: {value: 'Good Day'}})
expect(input.value).toBe('') //empty after

test('It should allow the $ to be deleted', () => {
const {input} = setup()
fireEvent.change(input, {target: {value: '23'}})
expect(input.value).toBe('$23') // need to make a change so React registers "" as a change
fireEvent.change(input, {target: {value: ''}})